- Seeing Is Believing
- Surrogate
- Mountain Berry Fields
- Deject
- Pbcopy
- LetterPress Is Not As Good As Boggle
- Haiti
Web Based
Cucumber step definitions for command line testing
I write a lot of command line programs. I like to test them by invoking the binary, through Cucumber. To support this, I often wind up writing a small set of command line helpers for every one of these programs.
I finally decided that's stupid, and extracted the command line helpers out of Seeing Is Believing and into its own gem, which I named Haiti, after Aruba, a similar but much more comprehensive gem.
Set it up in features/support/env.rb
, you need to tell it what directories to add to the path so that it can invoke your binaries (bin_dir
), and what directory to write its files and evaluate inside of (proving_grounds_dir
require 'haiti' Haiti.configure do |config| config.proving_grounds_dir = File.expand_path '../../../proving_grounds', __FILE__ config.bin_dir = File.expand_path '../../../bin', __FILE__ end
Then in a feature file
Feature: Scenario: Given the file "file2": """ body{{1+1}} """ When I run 'cat file2' Then stdout is "body2"
Code is on github.