

Web Based

Computer Science Library

a site to manage our CS Department's library

After completing Ruby Kickstart, my friends decided to work on a project to solidify their knowledge. Our computer science department has a library that they don't use because they have no system to manage it. They had been looking for students to write some software to handle this, but none were to be found! So, we decided our post RKS project would be to write a library application for the department.

We used git to allow us to collaborate, and implemented the project with Sinatra on Heroku. I primarily acted to facilitate the project, setting up the environment and troubleshooting issues. Towards the end, however, I did more coding and many times we sat down and programmed as a group.

Next semester will be the first semester the CS Department uses our software, but we are running a test version of the site.

Anyone can search for books in the library. paginated search results small

Searches can be scoped by attributes. scoped search small

The user dashboard shows their status and recent activity. user-dashboard-small.png

A librarian can edit site settings, and view all the site activity. admin-settings-small.png

A librarian can enter an ISBN to auto populate using the Google Books API. book-show-small.png